Monday, February 7, 2011

Please slow down!

We all think we have the cutest kids in the world and I definitely think I do (well most of the time:).  William took his first steps on Christmas Eve and now he is cruising all over.  Abigail is now 4 and she is my 'happy helper' most days.  I was looking through pictures from a few months past and I can't believe how much William has grown.  I wish I could freeze time.  I love that my children are young and they need me.  I love that they would rather play with me and their daddy than anyone else.  I love that my 2 kids are friends and they are really starting to enjoy playing with each other.  Even though I sometimes complain about how quickly the house falls apart, how exhausted I am from always running around chasing someone or meeting someones needs or how chaotic it can feel at times, at the end of the day when I sit down for a moment with my husband and reflect upon my day I can't think of anything else that I would rather being doing with my life.  I can't think of anything more rewarding or satisfying than to be a mother and a parent.  I only wish time would slow down.  With that being said here are some favorite recent moments....

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